Brownies på svarta bönor - Live Slow Run Far

Brownies på svarta bönor

För recept på svenska, scrolla nedåt!

In all honesty, we were kind of like… really? when first hearing about black bean baked goods. Don’t get us wrong (I doubt you would by now), we LOVE beans and lentils. They’re the best. But we also love our baked goods. Cakes, cookies, buns… you know, the whole spectrum. And around here, we tend to lean towards the attitude of “if you’re going to bake buns, bake buns. Not a ‘health-ified’ bun that no one will really enjoy anyway”. I think you get my point. But we also happen to know that from a sports nutrition point of view, having an evening snack with a touch of protein is beneficial. And one simply can’t have too much of all the good stuff in legumes. Enter black bean-based baked goods.

This is – truly – one of the most delicious things I’ve ever had. I like regular brownies just as much as anyone, but I wouldn’t put them at the top of my sweets list. I think they can send you into sugar coma quite easily, and they’ll often fill you up in a not-so-comfortable kind of way (still, they’re amazing). These, on the other hand, I could eat a whole pan of in one sitting and not feel too bothered by it (well…). On top, they come together in a jiffy and won’t even mess up your kitchen all that badly. I think that should mark the end of this short ode to black bean brownies – they’re SO delicious, they’re (sort of) good for you and they’ll (for sure) fuel your next outdoor adventure in great style. Go make! (And then serve them to your friends, without telling them the secret ingredient beforehand.)

For recipe in English, click here: Black Bean Brownies

15 st bitar

2 st linfröägg (se steg 1)
350 g (4 1/2 dl) kokta svarta bönor, sköljda
3 msk kakao
80 g (2 dl) havregryn
3 1/2 msk kokosolja, smält
135 g (1 1/2 dl) socker
3/4 tsk bakpulver
1-2 krm salt
75 g mörk choklad, grovhackad

  1. Rör samman 2 msk krossade linfrön och 5 msk vatten. Låt stå i 5 min. Under tiden, smörj en ugnssäker form, ca 20×30 cm (browniebitarna blir lite tunna om formen är större än så), och sätt ugnen på 175º.
  2. I en matberedare, placera bönor, kakao, havregryn, kokosolja, socker, bakpulver och salt. Tillsätt linfröblandningen (som nu ska ha tjocknat). Kör tills smeten är helt slät (det kommer att ta ett par minuter – en silkeslen blandning önskas). Rör ner chokladen, och häll sedan smeten i ugnsformen.
  3. Grädda i mitten av ugnen i 18 min. Låt svalna helt innan du skär i bitar. Förvara i kylen upp till en vecka, och i frysen upp till ett par månader.

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