Ugnsrostad rödkål med hasselnötter - Live Slow Run Far

Ugnsrostad rödkål med hasselnötter

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This recipe will (humbly) serve as the first one in our little ‘stay local’ challenge we hope you’ll join us in throughout the month of February. This time of the year – here in the north – it’s easy to think produce options are few and far between and that one simply HAS to rely on imported vegetables to survive. While we always eat this way, we wanted to draw some extra attention to the plethora of storage friendly, amazing veggies we actually do get to choose from this cold, snowy time of the year, and really try to inspire all of you to… well, ‘stay local’. So join in, and opt for sustainable vegetable super heroes the coming month – and leave the asparagus, avocados and snap peas from afar be for bit. Instead, cook with potatoes, parsnips, beets, sunchokes, carrots, rutabaga, celery root, cabbage, kale, onions, kohlrabi, daikon, salsify, winter squash… the list is so long!

We think it’s time for seasonal eating to be reestablished as an ingrained part of our food culture, with all that comes with it – the creativity working with what’s on hand, the endless joy when a new season rolls around, the deepened connection with nature… and a more in tune way of living on this earth. It’s a quadruple win. No one loses. We’ve been trained into thinking we need to have a lettuce-tomato-cucumber side salad every month of the year, and that it’s normal that we can buy everything at all times. We’d like to ask you to try to think a little differently, if only for a month. Read the labels, and opt out of buying any vegetables from far away. And then, let the magic happen!

Red cabbage wedges is probably the most forgotten about and never-even-heard-of elegant, delicious, cheap side dish of all times. With a few sophisticated touches, such as toasted hazelnuts and reduced balsamic vinegar, it’s a concept full of flair – and definitely something to consider making the next time you’re hosting a dinner party or cooking up a feast for some loved ones. We’d argue it goes with virtually anything, but it also works as a stand-alone dish, so choose your own adventure! The recipe is just as straightforward as it looks, so we’ll let you get right to it 🙂

For recipe in English, click here: Roasted Red Cabbage

4 portioner som sidorätt

1 kg rödkål (ca 1/3 av ett normalstort huvud)
1/2 msk olivolja
1/4 tsk salt
1 1/2 tsk torkad rosmarin
2 st vitlöksklyftor, finhackade (motsvarar 1/2-1 msk)
1 dl balsamvinäger
30 g rostade hasselnötter, grovhackade (ca 1/2 dl)

  1. Sätt ugnen på 220ºC. Börja sedan med att skära upp kålen. Om du använder ett mindre huvud, skär runda “stekar” (ca 2 cm tjocka) och lämna stocken kvar (detta förhindrar att de ramlar isär). Om du använder ett större huvud, skär istället stora klyftor, antingen hela längden eller enligt bilden.
  2. Placera kålen i en ugnsform/på en ugnsplåt med bakplåtspapper. Ringla över olivoljan, och se till att alla bitar blir ordentligt täckta. Strö över rosmarin och salt, och ställ in i mitten av ugnen i 15 min. Ta ut formen, strö över vitlökshacket, och ställ tillbaka i ugnen i ytterligare 10 min. Ta sedan ut, och stäng av ugnen.
  3. Under tiden, reducera balsamvinägern till hälften genom att låta den sjuda över medelvärme i ca 5-10 min. Sätt åt sidan.
  4. Lägg upp klyftorna på tallrikar, ringla över balsamvinägern och strö över hasselnötterna.

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