Have you ever tried pouring pancake batter into a muffin pan? We hadn’t either, until very recently, but now we’re completely hooked. They feel just as satisfying and energizing as a legit sweet treat, but looking at the ingredient list, they definitely fit more into the snacks category. And that’s exactly how we’re treating them! We pop one right after a run, pack a few when we go for a longer bike trip and like to stop halfway and offer one to Theo as an afternoon pick-me-up. He LOVES these, and you know the deal – if he’s given something his stamp of approval, we feel confident saying most parents will find their kids will too. Hope you’ll like these as well!
För recept på svenska, klicka här: Ugnspannkaka med äpple i muffinsform
Makes 12 pancake bites
Total Time: 35 min
200 ml all purpose flour
300 ml oat milk
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp + 1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp + 1 tsp cinnamon
2 apples
- Preheat the oven to 200˚C. Prepare a standard 12-ct muffin pan by first greasing each cup and then dusting with flour.
- In a mixing bowl, whisk together the flour with half of the oat milk until there are no clumps. Then add in the rest of the oat milk and whisk again until smooth.
- Whisk in the 2 eggs, followed by 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tsp of cinnamon.
- Peel and cut the apples into 1 cm cubes. Toss with the remaining 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tsp of cinnamon.
- Pour the batter into the muffin pan so it’s evenly distributed between all 12 cups. Then add a heaping spoonful of the apples into each cup, pushing them down so they are somewhat submerged by the batter.
- Bake for 25 minutes in the lower portion of the oven, until they are deep, golden brown.
- Let cool for at least 5 minutes. Then, using a spoon or offset spatula, gently loosen the edges and pop them out of the pan. If not enjoying right away, store in the fridge. They are delicious cold right out of the fridge as well as quickly reheated in the microwave or oven.
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– Sophia & Michael
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