För recept på svenska, klicka här: Frasiga zucchinibiffar
As we’re slowly making our way out of summer-break routines and feeling the creative juices come back to us, we’re also celebrating 1 year of recipe posting! Actually, yesterday marked 365 days since we shared our first ever recipe – zucchini patties – and what could be a better way of celebrating that than sharing a new and improved version of it? Last year, we harvested roughly 30 kg (66 lbs) of zucchini and turned the majority into patties/fritters. Some went into these Chocolate Zucchini Muffins (another close to inaugural recipe) and the rest was sautéed, grilled or eaten in another simple fashion. This year, we’re at 40 kg (88 lbs) and still counting. We’ve dealt with the masses in similar ways, but are also planning a big batch of zucchini bread (as in, a sweet-ish type of deal) in the next few days. If that project comes out successful, we’ll be sharing a recipe of course. However, we’re facing a very privileged problem right now: beautiful late summer weather has settled in, so we have no desire to be baking inside. Oh well.
Besides sharing this recipe – which has been tried and tested MANY times now, with 100+ patties resting in the freezer, just waiting to come in handy for quick meals this upcoming winter – we’d also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has read, enjoyed and maybe even cooked a dish or baked something from this platform. It has been and still is something that gives us great joy, creating recipes. And while we’re still figuring out our exact niche (the food blog experts claim that’s necessary), it seems safe to say we’ve found our belonging in a world of mostly plant-based, eco-friendly and nutrient-dense food. We’re simply two people trying to minimize our climate footprint while fueling ourselves properly for endurance sports, and our recipes should be reflecting that – but no one is perfect. And whether you run many miles or none at all, we welcome you here with open arms, trusting you’ll find something to like wherever you are on the food spectrum. (But if you care about this planet, we like you a little extra.) With that said, here is our new and improved zucchini fritter recipe. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see more of you going forward!
PS. If you have any wishes (or call them requests, if you will) regarding future recipes, recipe categories or anything of the like, please share with us!
PS2. Check out the old recipe for Zucchini Patties for an excellent sauce to go with them.
Yields 35-40
2 kg zucchini (~5 medium)
2 dl sunflower seeds (~120 g), toasted
2 medium yellow onions (~220 g), chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 dl breadcrumbs (~50 g)
2 tsp baking powder
200 g shredded cheese of your choice (~4-5 dl)
150 g dill, chopped
4 eggs
1-2 dl all purpose flour (~60-120 g)
1 tsp salt
Black pepper
- Start by grating the zucchini into a colander. Sprinkle with salt (approximately 2 tsp) and let sit in the sink so the water can drain out.
- In the meantime, toast the sunflower seeds and, using a food processor, blend into a rough flour. We like a bit of texture so don’t go too far.
- Crack the eggs into a large bowl, and then add in onions, garlic, grated cheese and dill. Mix to combine.
- Now, back to the zucchini. Using your hands, squeeze out the excess water and add to the bowl. Stir together. Then, add in sun flower seed “flour”, breadcrumbs, baking powder, the lesser amount all purpose flour and salt. Depending on how much liquid was left in the zucchini, you may need more or less flour here. The batter should be held together nicely, but loose enough so that you can’t form the patties with your hands. Season with plenty of black pepper, and depending on the cheese used, you might have to tweak the amount of salt in the end.
- Heat up some canola or olive oil in a pan (medium heat) and when hot, use a large spoon to lower big dollops into the pan, and flatten them out a little. They will need 4-6 min on each side. Serve immediately, or let cool before placing them in the fridge/freezer for later.
Hej, hej Sophia and Michael
Thanks again for another delicious recipe. I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks very good. The BBB (Black Bean Brownies) are we baking regularly, many other recipes of you we still want to try.
As you mentioned your 1:st anniversary of recipe-posting, I just want to say, that I really like, that you – in addition to your other inspirational posts – also post recipes, någonting som är liksom väldigt konkret.
And I want to let you know, that your step to move to Sweden was a huge inspiration for us to make the step and buy a small property in Sweden, with the plan to move from Zürich in Switzerland to landsbygden i Norrland. It will take a little while until we‘ll do the step to move but we got closer to that point.
So keep your gardening, running, writing, photography, paddling and so on up – det är en stor inspiration.
Hi Doreen! Oh, what a WONDERFUL message to receive! Mike saw it first, and sent me a screen shot of it yesterday afternoon (we were off running errands separately – very uncommon for us) and it warmed both of our hearts so much. Thank you for taking the time to write! The BBB (love that abbreviation) are among our favorites too, together with these zucchini fritters and the yellow pea patties from a few weeks back (those are addicting). And wow, what a big change that you have coming up! Can’t wait to hear more as it becomes reality for you all. It sounds amazing. We both love Norrland infinitely, and hadn’t we had our family around Stockholm, I bet you we would have settled down further up north. But we’re of course very happy where we are too.
We can’t thank you enough for those words of encouragement. We can only tell so much from looking at website stats, so hearing from you and others who actually find valuable content here makes our day. It really does.
We’ll be cheering you guys on from here, as you’re approaching the move from Switzerland to Sweden (or should I say Sweden to Switzerland – I’m guessing you’re dealing with people not being able to tell the two apart a lot too… :)).
And landsbygden rocks. Seriously. This is where life happens.
All the best,