Simple Zucchini Fritters - Live Slow Run Far

Simple Zucchini Fritters

There’s probably no other food item we cook more of in a year’s time – well, bread excluded – than zucchini fritters. We love how we can make so many in one go and pack the freezer full, how even the most overgrown zucchini comes in handy and can feed us well, how they’re easily paired with other sides and about one hundred other positive things, and can’t wait to get going on this year’s first big batch. Because while you might think the recipe below, yielding 16 fritters, is a big one, a big batch to us uses at least 2-3 kg of zucchini and an armful of fresh dill – and it’s awesome. Zucchini and dill are like tomato and basil at our house. An equally given and hard to beat combination.

One of our most popular recipes over the years is actually these Crispy Zucchini Fritters, and for good reasons – they’re utmost delicious. But this year, we had an itch to come out with a simpler, totally fuss free version, which is what you’ll find right here. These fritters are also plant based, whereas the original recipe features eggs and a handful of grated cheese.

Will these be any less good? No. They’re absolutely amazing, come together in a jiffy and have gotten the stamp of approval from young Theo, which makes us want to say they’re guaranteed to be a favorite among kids and adults alike. Good luck!

För recept på svenska, klicka här: Enkla zucchinibiffar

Makes 16 fritters
Total Time: 30 min


2 zucchinis (700 g)
1 yellow onion (150 g)
100 ml chopped dill (fresh or frozen)
200 ml chickpea flour
100 ml all purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
Salt and black pepper
Canola oil


  1. Grate the zucchini and place it in a colander. Grate or finely chop the yellow onion and add to the colander as well. Sprinkle with 1 tsp salt and mix.
  2. Let the colander sit in the sink for 15 min or so and then, using your hands, squeeze out all excess water and place in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add dill, chickpea flour, all purpose flour and baking powder to the bowl and stir to combine. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
  4. Heat up a splash of canola oil in a pan over medium heat and, when hot, use a large spoon to dollop the batter into the pan, flattening them out a little to form round fritters. Cook 3-5 min on each side or until browned and crisp. Serve immediately, or let cool before placing them in the fridge/freezer for later.

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– Sophia & Michael

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